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Stereo mastering

Product code Description EUR USD
STMON Mastering of 1 stereo track (online) €150 $150
STMAT Mastering of 1 stereo track (attended studio session) €190 $200
VERSN Edit / extended / TV / instrumental (supplied with the main mix) €40 $45
CHECK Optional feedback on the mix before mastering Free Free

Stem mastering

STEM3 Mastering of 1 track, mix split into max. 3 stems €250 $275
STEM5 Mastering of 1 track, mix split into max. 5 stems €350 $370
STEM10 Mastering of 1 track, mix split into max. 10 stems €450 $480
STMIX Mastering of 1 track, mix split into more than 10 stems Ask Ask
VERSN Edit / extended / TV / instrumental (in the same session) €40 $45
CHECK Optional feedback on the mix before mastering Free Free

Target optimized versions

ADM Certified Apple Digital Master version based on an existing master €40 $45
VIDEO TV/video 24 bit 48 kHz version based on an existing master €40 $45
MP3AC MP3 or AAC HQ conversion. ISRC and cover can be embedded in the MP3 €40 $45

Vinyl mastering

VINYL Vinyl optimized version based on an existing master session €60 $65
PQVTM PQ Sheets for VTM's. Free when mastering is performed here, otherwise: €280 $305

CD replication

DDPCD DDP file or Red Book CD, includes editing and embedding of ISRC/UPC €150 $150


OTHER Other editing or recall, per half hour €100 $100